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Naples Florida Homes


Naples Florida Homes Survive Irmageddonnaples florida homes

In recent days, so many seasonal residents have contacted me inquiring about conditions of their Naples Florida homes, in addition to other clients and family from up north, inquiring to same. Of course, nothing pleases me more than to share the good news that our family, and our community is doing remarkably fine. Many of us here feel very blessed that we didn’t encounter an onslaught as powerful as initially predicted. We saw a lot of downed trees, signs, the occasional shingle or swimming pool screen swept away, but by and large, most Naples Florida homes weathered the storm just fine. At the same time, there were some neighborhoods near Marco Island as well as Bonita Springs, where homes were severely damaged by winds and flooding. Indeed, the impact to these neighborhoods was much more severe than that experienced by most residents of Naples Florida homes.

naples florida homes

Some Floridians managed to keep a sense of humor even while prepping for the storm.

Please know, we are so very grateful for the words of encouragement, support and well wishes that so many of you have expressed. We also have unceasing appreciation for the dedicated efforts of first responders and the teams of utility workers from around the country who’ve assisted in getting power restored so quickly.  Many of us here in Naples feel like we were very lucky, and our prayers for relief continue on behalf of families that were more impacted, not to mention those in the areas of Texas as well as Puerto Rico where genuine hardship persists.  We’ve confronted one of the worst storms of known meterological history as well as the largest mass evacuation in American history, yet Naples continues to be as beautiful as ever… and life continues.

To that point, work also continues and with respect to real estate, to be sure, there are excellent opportunities for real estate investors. Interestingly, a number of  sellers, particularly those who may have initially overpriced their Naples Florida homes, have become more intent, reducing prices to more reasonable amounts. This bodes well for real estate investors. On the other hand, given the increased interested by real estate investors, those who have been thinking about selling may find that there are certain advantages that exist RIGHT NOW. If you are a seller, or a buyer interested in Naples Florida homes, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me by phone, or email, or simply submitting the contact form on the side of this page.

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